Encyclopedia of U.S. National Bank Notes - Table of Contents

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Table of Contents (July 4, 2024)

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This encyclopedia is designed to be a dynamic work in progress. To facilitate this, a version date is provided at the bottom of the first page of each chapter (and also listed in the table of contents), which will be updated each time a new version of the chapter is available.

The Huntoon-Shiva Encyclopedia of U.S. National Bank Notes

Section Title (with link) Author(s) Version Date
Section A Contents, introduction, history
A1 The Civil War, the Comptroller's Office and 73 Years of National Bank Note Currency Peter Huntoon May 14, 2022
A2 Origin of the National Bank Act and National Currency Peter Huntoon Jul 27, 2022
A3 A Broad Sweep of National Bank Note History Peter Huntoon May 13, 2022
A4 Photographic Gallery of the Treasury Department and National Bank Currency Operations Lee Lofthus May 14, 2022
A5 2% Consols of 1930 Peter Huntoon Jun 13, 2023
A6 The end of National Bank Notes Lee Lofthus Jun 13, 2023
Section B Bank organization, extensions, series
B1 The Relationship Between National Bank Note Series and Laws Governing Corporate Lives of National Banks Peter Huntoon Nov 23, 2022
B2 National Bank Note Charter Period Nonsense Peter Huntoon May 13, 2022
B3 National Gold Banks and National Gold Bank Notes Peter Huntoon May 14, 2022
B4 The Origin of the Series of 1875 and Blue Stained Paper Peter Huntoon Apr 20, 2023
B5 Series of 1917 $1 and $2 National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon May 13, 2022
B6 Camden, NJ, National Bank had a Branch in Philadelphia, PA Peter Huntoon, David Gladfelter May 13, 2022
B7 Laws Governing the Circulation & Denominations National Banks Could Issue Peter Huntoon Feb 1, 2023
B8 National Bank Note Circulation Hit with a Forced 8% Decline by Redemption of the Loan of 1925 Peter Huntoon Jul 26, 2023
Section C Special sheet combinations
C1 United States $500 and $1000 National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon May 13, 2022
C1 Table 7 Number Printed & Issued (Excel spreadsheet) Peter Huntoon May 13, 2022
C1 Table 8 Dates shipped (Excel spreadsheet) Peter Huntoon May 13, 2022
C1 Table 9 Plate Dates & Signatures (Excel spreadsheet) Peter Huntoon May 13, 2022
C2 The Rise and Demise of $1 and $2 National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon May 13, 2022
C3 Act of June 8, 1872 $5,000 and $10,000 Certificates of Deposit Jamie Yakes, Peter Huntoon May 13, 2022
Section D 1873 shakeup over worn notes and counterfeits
D1 Filthy Notes in Circulation and the Origin of Series of 1873 National Bank Circulating Notes Peter Huntoon, Doug Walcutt Jun 2, 2022
D2 Original Series National Bank Notes with Charter Numbers and the Redemption of Unfit Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 2, 2022
D3 $5 Original Series and Series of 1875 Black Charter Notes Peter Huntoon, William Raymond, John Hickman Dec 3, 2022
D4 Original Series National Bank Note Part-Plate Printings of 1873-1875 Peter Huntoon Jun 2, 2022
D5 Counterfeits, Canceled Notes and Canceled Subjects on Plates Peter Huntoon Jun 2, 2022
Section E Aldrich-Vreeland Act and consequences
E1 The Aldrich-Vreeland Act and Series of 1882 and 1902 Date Back National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 18, 2023
E2 The National Bank Note Series of 1882 and 1902 Post-Date Back Transition Peter Huntoon Jun 2, 2022
E3 Post-Date Back Series of 1882 and 1902 National Bank Note Changeover Serial Numbers Peter Huntoon Jun 2, 2022
E4 1882 NBN Value Back Face Plates without "or other securities" Peter Huntoon Sep 5, 2022
E5 Nationals signed by Aldrich and Vreeland Peter Huntoon Oct 6, 2022
E6 Banks that issued only Aldrich-Vreland Emergency Currency Peter Huntoon Jul 26, 2023
E7 Creation of money by the Aldrich-Vreeland Act of 1908 Peter Huntoon Jul 26, 2023
E8 Aldrich-Vreeland Spike in Circulation at The First National Bank of Chicago Peter Huntoon, Lee Loftus Jul 28, 2023
E9 Protocols for Handling the Issuance and Redemption of Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Currency Lee Loftus Feb 2, 2024
E10 Sherman, Texas Bank Organized Especially to Utilize Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Currency Peter Huntoon, Adam Stroup, Lee Loftus Jun 9, 2024
Section F Territorial notes
F1 Territorial National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Nov 14, 2023
F2 Alaska! District & Territory National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 2, 2022
F3 The First National Bank in Arizona Territory Peter Huntoon, Dawn Teresa Santiago Jun 2, 2022
F4 The First National Bank of Phoenix, Arizona Territory Peter Huntoon Jun 2, 2022
F5 The founding of The Phoenix National Bank, Territory of Arizona Peter Huntoon Jun 2, 2022
F6 Territory of Hawaii National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon May 10, 2023
F7 Bozeman Territorial Discovery of 2020 Peter Huntoon, Mark Drengson Jun 2, 2022
F8 Oklahoma was too Uncivilized to Host a National Bank Peter Huntoon Jun 2, 2022
F9 The First National Bank of Porto Rico at San Juan Peter Huntoon Jun 2, 2022
F10 The First National Bank in Utah Territory Peter Huntoon Jun 2, 2022
F11 Danish and American banks in the Virgin Islands Peter Huntoon, Steve Schroeder Jun 2, 2022
F12 Territorial Title Blocks on National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 2, 2022
F13 The First National Bank of Bisbee, Territory of Arizona Peter Huntoon, Mark Drengson Jun 2, 2022
F14 Kahului, Hawaii Territorial Red Seal Peter Huntoon Apr 25, 2023
F15 The Cooke National Banks, Maui, Territory of Hawaii Peter Huntoon Jul 3, 2023
F16 Uncirculated $5 #1 Brown Back Ketchum, Idaho Territory Peter Huntoon May 17, 2024
Section G Series of 1929
G1 Series of 1929 National Bank Notes: from Origin to Demise Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
G2 Evolution of Title Blocks for Use on 1929 National Bank Notes Lee Lofthus, Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
G3 Series of 1929 National Bank Note Overprints Peter Huntoon, James A. Simek Nov 21, 2022
G4 Serial Numbering on Series of 1929 National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon, Lee Lofthus, James A. Simek Jun 4, 2022
G5 Series of 1929 National Bank Note Replacement Notes Peter Huntoon, James A. Simek Jun 4, 2022
G6 New Deal Changes to the Legal Tender Status of National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon, Jamie Yakes Jun 4, 2022
G7 Col. Edward H. R. Green, Collector Extraordinaire, and the Story of the Number 1 Series of 1929 Sheets Peter Huntoon, Barbara Bedell Jun 24, 2022
G8 Town Names Changes on Series of 1929 Nationals Peter Huntoon Sep 10, 2023
G9 Chase National B-Suffix Series of 1929 Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
G10 Smallest Series of 1929 Issues by Type and Denomination Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
G11 Smallest Series of 1929 Issues by Bank Title Peter Huntoon Apr 15, 2024
G12 Arizona Series of 1929 National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Apr 8, 2023
G13 Wyoming Series of 1929 National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
G14 Glass-Borah Amendment of 1932 spiked Series of 1929 national bank Circulations by a third Peter Huntoon, Jamie Yakes Mar 14, 2023
G15 The FNB of Boston issued only Series of 1929 Glass-Borah Amendment notes Peter Huntoon Sep 6, 2023
G16 15-Month Circulation of Santa Fe, New Mexico Series of 1929 Notes Peter Huntoon, Lee Loftus Nov 5, 2023
Section H Generic intaglio face and back plate varieties
H1 Vignette and other Engraving Varieties on $5 Original and 1875 Series Notes Doug Walcutt, Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
H2 $5 Original Series and Series of 1875 act date anomalies Peter Huntoon, Doug Walcutt Jun 4, 2022
H3 Battle of Lexington, Misplaced Charter Number & Hidden Star Varieties on Series of 1875 and 1882 $10 and $20 Plates Peter Huntoon Mar 2, 2024
H4 The Dies that Fathered BEP $10 and $20 Series of 1875 and 1882 Nationals Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
H5 Patented Lettering on Bureau of Engraving and Printing Securities Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
H6 Plate Varieties on Series of 1882 National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon, Doug Walcutt Jun 4, 2022
H7 $5 Series of 1882 National Bank Note Title Block Layouts Doug Walcutt Jun 4, 2022
H8 Why $5 1882-5 Vintage Brown Back Faces were Purged Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
H9 $5 Series of 1882 Circus Poster Title Blocks Peter Huntoon, Doug Walcutt, Bob Kvederas Jun 4, 2022
H10 BEP Chief Edward Graves: Abolish the Series of 1882 and Coats-of-Arms Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
H11 Brown Back Plate Varieties for The National Bank of Commerce in New York Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
Section I Bank-specific intaglio face design element
I1 Treasury Signatures on Large Size National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
I2 Register of the Treasury Signature on U. S. Currency Peter Huntoon, Lee Lofthus Jun 4, 2022
I3 Plate Dates on Large Size National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
I4 Plate Letters on Large Size National Bank Notes and the Maintenance and Replacement of Plates Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
I5 Plate Position Letters Y & Z on Large Size National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
I6 Engraved Signatures on Series of 1902 National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
Section J Bank-specific overprinted face design elements
J1 Treasury Serial Numbering on National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Nov 5, 2022
J2 Treasury Serial Numbering by Year on early National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
J3 Bank Serial Numbers on National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
J4 Series of 1882 and 1902 National Bank Replacement Notes Printed after Mid-1903 Peter Huntoon, Shawn Hewitt Jun 4, 2022
J5 The Conundrum of Duplicated Sheet Serial Numbers on Nationals Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
J6 Charter Number & Regional Letter Placements on Series of 1882 and 1902 National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
J7 Pink Seals and Charter Numbers on Series of 1882 National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
J8 Bureau-Overprinted Bank Signatures on Series of 1902 National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
Section K State seals
K1 Redesigned State Seals on Series of 1882 National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon, Andrew Shiva Nov 9, 2023
K2 Idaho State Seals and Utah Territorial Seals Peter Huntoon, Andrew Shiva Jun 4, 2022
K3 Adoption of Wyoming State Seal Delayed Three Years by Shenanigans of State Legislator Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
K4 Evolution of Skies and other Details on States Seals on National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon, Andrew Shiva Jun 4, 2022
K5 Special Occurrences Associated with the States Seals on Early National Bank Note Back Plates Peter Huntoon, Andrew Shiva Jun 4, 2022
Section L Bank titles
L1 The Earliest National Bank Titles and the Numbered Banks Doug Walcutt Jun 4, 2022
L2 The Earliest National Bank Titles Changes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
L3 National Banks that Moved Across State Lines Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
L4 Layout Protocols for Title Blocks on Large-Size National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Mar 19, 2023
L5 Town Spelling Varieties and the U. S. Board on Geographic Names Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
L6 Master List of National Bank Title Discrepancies that appeared on National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jul 4, 2024
L6 Table 1 Master List with Image links (Excel spreadsheet) Peter Huntoon Jul 2, 2024
L7 Faulty Location Information Could Force Comptroller-Imposed Town Name Changes on National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
L8 Mid-Series Comptroller-Imposed Town Names Changes on National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jul 2, 2024
L9 Annexations Could Force Comptroller-Imposed Town Name Changes on National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
L10 Script Post Office Oddities in Title Blocks on Large Size National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jan 24, 2023
L11 Connecticut Challenges the Definition of Town on Nationals Peter Hutnoon, Bob Kvederas Jun 4, 2022
L12 Documentation for the 1895 Directive for Inserting Town Names in Title Blocks on National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
L13 Mistakes Caused Redundant States in National Bank Note Titles Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
L14 Recycled Original and 1875 Series National Bank Note Plates to Successor Banks with the Same Title Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
L15 Reuse of Bank Titles by the Same National Bank Peter Huntoon Apr 29, 2024
L16 Duplicated National Bank Titles Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
L17 National Banks That Used Five or More Titles Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
L18 New York City National Bank Titles Peter Huntoon Jan 26, 2023
L19 Spelling and Punctuation Created National Bank Note Title Varieties Peter Huntoon Jan 24, 2023
L20 The "of" "and" "&" Problems and Great Occurences in National Bank Note Titles Peter Huntoon Nov 16, 2023
L21 The Long "s" in National Bank Titles Peter Huntoon Sep 8, 2022
L22 Uniform Titles Blocks on Series of 1902 Notes: Tombstones and Hyphenated States Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
L23 Duplicated town names in same state Peter Huntoon Jul 26, 2023
L24 The Mystique of Mystic, Connecticut & the Fluid Definition of Town Names on National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
Section M Special bank titles
M1 Capital and Capitol National Banks Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
M2 Anti-German WW I Hysteria Led to National Bank Title Changes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
M3 National Banking Associations Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
M4 National Loan and Savings Banks Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
M5 National Bank and Trust Companies Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
M6 Forbidden Titles and restricted words: National, Federal, Reserve, United States Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
M7 College and university national banks Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
Section N Printing, plate making and errors
N1 Printing Currency in 1877 Peter Huntoon Mar 13, 2024
N2 How Large Size National Bank Note Plates Were Made Peter Huntoon Jul 17, 2022
N3 Starred Plate Letters on Reentered Series of 1875 and 1882 National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon, Doug Walcutt Jun 4, 2022
N4 Spectacular $20 Original Series Proof on Our First National Bank with Touchup Work Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
N5 Initials in the Margins of Large Size Proofs and Sheets Peter Huntoon Apr 30, 2023
N6 Plate Errors on National Bank Plates and Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
N7 Anomalous Securities Clause on Some $10 1902PB St. Louis Nationals Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
N8 Who Paid for Large Size National Bank Note Printing Plates Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
N9 Patent Dates on Early Large Size Currency and Certificates of Deposits Peter Huntoon Jun 4, 2022
Section O Important Big City Banks
O1 The First National Bank of Washington and the First National Bank Note Peter Huntoon, David Sundman Jun 5, 2022
O2 The First National Bank of Philadelphia Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
O3 The National Currency Bank of New York Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
O4 Boston National Bank Shakeout of 1898 Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
O5 St. Louis Legacies: Bankers World's Fair National Bank, Restricted Use of "National" in Titles Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
O6 Dexter Horton's Legacy: $7M Circulation Bank with Many Titles in Seattle Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
O7 Pittsburgh Banks Offer Innumerable Twists Peter Huntoon, Bob Liddell, James Hughes Jun 5, 2022
Section P Special topical material
P1 Louis Van Belkum, Pioneer National Bank Note Researcher Peter Huntoon Jul 24, 2022
P2 The First National Bank Failure Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
P3 Confederate National Banks Peter Huntoon, Charles Dean, Matthew Hansen Jul 3, 2022
P4 Bank Signatures and Monetization of National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Apr 16, 2024
P5 Marijuana and Oil: Roads to the Highs of California National Banking, 1880-1924 Peter Huntoon Aug 21, 2022
P6 Explosive Rhyolite, Nevada, Discovery Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
P7 Kearny, NJ, National Banks Yield Great Tales Peter Huntoon, Robert Hearn Jun 5, 2022
P8 The End of the Line in North Dakota Peter Huntoon, Gordon Brandvold Jun 5, 2022
P9 Peter White, Marquette, Michigan, Master of the Vanity Signature Peter Huntoon, Dave Gelwicks Jun 5, 2022
P10 King City, Missouri, Blood Money Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
P11 Photo Gallery of Proofs from Large Size Plates Made for Banks That Did Not Issue Peter Huntoon Jun 7, 2022
P11 Table 3 Proof Images for Banks That Did Not Issue (Excel spreadsheet) Peter Huntoon Jan 22, 2023
P12 Peter Town National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
P13 Matched Series Dates and Charter Numbers on National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
P14 The First Stockton National Gold Bank Notes are Reunited Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
P15 Andrew Pollock, Compiler of the Yearly NBN President and Cashier Data Base Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
P16 Mary M. Costello, Tombstone, Arizona, banker Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
P17 Discovery of the Ella Overby Hoard, Starbuck, Minnesota Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
P18 Wyoming National Bank Massacre of 1924 Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
P19 The Tangled Histories of the Globe, Arizona, National Banks Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
P20 The Tragic Failure of the Cheyenne National Bank Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
P21 John Hickman Peter Huntoon Dec 2, 2023
P22 Don Kelly, August 18, 1933-June 23, 2022 Peter Huntoon Jul 21, 2022
P23 Ransom at the Border Lee Lofthus Apr 9, 2023
P24 National Banks that did not issue Peter Huntoon Jul 26, 2023
P25 Provenances of the First of the Federal Notes Intended for General Circulation Peter Huntoon Jun 9, 2024
Section Q Rarity considerations
Q1 Don't get Burned by Small "Large Out" Balances in National Bank Note Catalogs Lee Lofthus, Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
Q2 The "Out in 1910" Trap for National Banks with Duplicate Titles Lee Lofthus, Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
Q3 Bond Sales Created National Bank Note Rarities, Missed Types and Missed Titles Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
Q4 Issues of 15 or Fewer Sheets of Large Size National Bank Notes Peter Huntoon Jun 5, 2022
Q5 How a Rare Laramie, Wyoming, National Bank Note was Saved Peter Huntoon Feb 23, 2023
Q6 Series of 1929 $100 Type 2 Nationals - Rarity viewed through the Hickman & Oakes Auction Sales Lee Loftus Jul 26, 2023
Section R Photo Gallery
R1 The Peter Huntoon Collection of National Bank Notes (Excel spreadsheet) Peter Huntoon Sep 27, 2022