SPMC Paper Money Articles Index (Category: Colonial)

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Current Index of SPMC Paper Money Articles (Category: Colonial/Continental) (39 Articles) (March 9, 2025)

Cat Access PMYear PMMonth PMWhole# Article Title (with Article link) Author(s) State
Col Members 2025 Mar/Apr 356 Issued in Defence of American Liberty Feller, Steve
Col Public 2018 Jan/Feb 313 Colony of North Carolina One Pound, December, 1771 Lok, David
Col Public 2015 Nov/Dec 300 Mythology & South Carolina Colonial Notes Bolin, Benny
Col Public 2015 Mar/Apr 296 Biographical Abstracts/Early Paper Money Signers & Printers Barnes, Roger
Col Public 2015 Jan/Feb 295 Early Paper Money of America, Prominent Signatory Quick Reference Guide Barnes, Roger
Col Public 2011 Jan/Feb 271 The Dire Straits of Revolutionary War Finance Herbert, Paul
Col Public 2009 Mar/Apr 260 Issued New-Brunswick 2d of 1796 a rarity Gladfelter, David
Col Public 2008 Sep/Oct 257 Small Treasury Notes of 1815: A Prototype Circulating Currency Daniel, Forrest
Col Public 1997 Jan/Feb 187 Bonanza at the Flea Market Downing, Ned
Col Public 1996 Jan/Feb 181 Another Continental Currency Counterfeit Cooper, Everett
Col Public 1995 Nov/Dec 180 John Carter and the Earliest Known American Stock Certificate Downing, Ned
Col Public 1995 May/June 177 Benjamin Franklin; Paper Money Printer Finkel, Florence
Col Public 1992 Jan/Feb 157 America's First Historical Vignettes on Paper Money Ferreri, C. John
Col Public 1987 July/Aug 130 The Constitution and its Numismatically Linked Signers Lesser, Joseph
Col Public 1984 Sep/Oct 113 Benjamin Levy Schuman, Edward
Col Public 1984 May/June 111 A Rhode Island Note, Spanish Milled Dollars, and English Shillings Feller, Steven A.
Col Public 1984 Jan/Feb 109 The Illinois Country Currency Wigington, Harry
Col Public 1983 July/Aug 106 That (Expletive Deleted) Note Miller, Elvin
Col Public 1983 May/June 105 U.S. National Debt (In the American Revolutionalry Era) Anderson, William
Col Public 1980 Mar/Apr 86 James Swan's Plan for Paper Money Daniel, Forrest
Col Public 1977 Nov/Dec 72 First Issue of Continental Currency and its Signers Jasser, Joe
Col Public 1977 Mar/Apr 68 Carolina Colony's Paper Problems Kirtley, Charles
Col Public 1977 Jan/Feb 67 Pennsylvania's First Notes Benefited the Commoner Hoober, Richard
Col Public 1976 July-Oct 64 New York's First Currency Printer Hessler, Gene
Col Public 1976 May/June 63 Members of the Continental Congress Who Signed Continental Currency Lasser, Joseph
Col Public 1976 May/June 63 A Bank of North America Check Hoober, Richard
Col Public 1976 Jan/Feb 61 How Many Varieties - The Two Pound New York 1771 Issue Newman, Eric
Col Public 1975 Nov/Dec 60 The Unknown Factor: How Many Varieties? Daniel, Forrest
Col Public 1975 Sep/Oct 59 A Note on Colonial Counterfeiting Kirtley, Charles
Col Public 1975 July/Aug 58 The Financial History of Colonial Pennsylvania - Part II Hoober, Richard
Col Public 1975 May/June 57 The Financial History of Colonial Pennsylvania - Part I Hoober, Richard
Col Public 1975 May/June 57 A Sense of Extreme Urgency - Chronology of the 'Minuteman Notes' Culler, Virgil
Col Public 1975 Mar/Apr 56 A Colonial New York Counterfeit Kelly, Don
Col Public 1974 September 53 Authorization to Print First American Paper Money Fitzgerald, Tom
Col Public 1974 July 52 1759 North Carolina Note Fitzgerald, Tom
Col Public 1973 Summer 47 John Hart -- Signer of the Declaration of Independence and Colonial Notes Eccleston, M.D. Howard
Col Public 1973 Winter 45 To Catch a Counterfeiter Daniel, Forrest
Col Public 1968 Spring 26 A Colonial Counterfeit Daniel, Forrest
Col Public 1966 Summer 19 Bank Charters and Politics-1833 Henderson, Warren