SPMC Paper Money Articles Index (Category: Stocks and Bonds)
This Index can link directly to the article, and also to the full Paper Money Journal issue on the SPMC website.
Each index entry includes two links:
- The Article Title link will link directly to the article, to display the pdf file for that article in your browser. If the article was published in the last five years the Access column will have Members for that entry, indicating that a SPMC membership login is required to view that article. Otherwise, the Access column will have Public, indicating no login is required to view the article.
- The PM Whole# link will link to the appropriate issue of the Paper Money Journal on the SPMC website, where SPMC members can view/download the complete issue pdf file to view all of the articles in that issue. After logging in, SPMC members can click on the 'Read More' button and then either download that issue's pdf file or wait a minute or two for the issue to load on the website and then view the article(s) there.
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Current Index of SPMC Paper Money Articles (Category: Stocks & Bonds) (10 Articles) (March 9, 2025)
Cat | Access | PMYear | PMMonth | PMWhole# | Article Title (with Article link) | Author(s) |
Bonds | Public | 2013 | Nov/Dec | 288 | Bearer, Bearer on the Wall (Treasury Bonds) | Herbstman, Joshua |
Bonds | Public | 2010 | Jan/Feb | 265 | Patriot Paul Revere Engraved/Printed Rare Bond | Museum of Am. Finance |
Bonds | Public | 2009 | Jan/Feb | 259 | The Liberty and Victory Loan Bonds 1917-1923 | Schuffman, Lawrence |
Bonds | Public | 2007 | Jan/Feb | 247 | Alexander Hamilton on U.S. Government Bonds | Hessler, Gene |
Bonds | Public | 2005 | July/Aug | 238 | Collecting Stock Certificates of the Panama Rail Road | Irizarry, Albert |
Bonds | Public | 1996 | Sep/Oct | 185 | The Origin of Collectible Certificates | Bonneau, Pierre |
Bonds | Public | 1980 | July/Aug | 88 | The National Railroad Company Bond | Leak, Clifford |
Bonds | Public | 1979 | Nov/Dec | 84 | Primer on Stock and Bond Collecting | Flesher, Dale |
Bonds | Public | 1975 | Sep/Oct | 59 | The Unknown Factor Revealed: California War Bond Coupons | McGrail, Lawrence |
Bonds | Public | 1969 | Winter | 29 | Jefferson Davis Rail Bond | Williamson, Helen |